1.1. University of California, Davis, USA.
- “Effects of Foliar AMINOL FORTE on Growth and Yield of Wheat Grown to Maturity”. R.C. Huffaker and K. Harbit.University ofCalifornia. Plant Growth Laboratory.Davis,CA95616. 1987 (English, Spanish).
- “Effect of AMINOL FORTE on Nitrate Uptake and Growth of Barley Seedings With and Without Salt Stress”. R.C. Huffaker y K. Harbit.University ofCalifornia. Plant Growth LaboratoryDavis,CA95616. 1987. (English, Spanish).
- “Effect of AMINOL FORTE on Nitrate Uptake and Growth of Barley Seedlings With Salt Stress”. R. C. Huffaker,University ofCalifornia. Plant Growth Laboratory.Davis,CA95616. 1987 (English).
- “Effect of ANIMOL-FORTE on Yield of Wheat”. Experiment III R.C. Huffaker, K.B. Harbit.University ofCalifornia. Plant Growth Laboratory.Davis,CA95616. 1988 (English, Spanish).
- “Determination of Active Components of AMINOL-FORTE with facilitate Plants Growth”. R.C. Huffaker and K.B. Harbit.University ofCalifornia.Davis,CA95616. 1988 (English).
- “Absorption and utilization of AMINOL-FORTE by several crops species”. R.C. Huffaker, A.J. Bloom, J.R. Thayer. Plant Growth Laboratory and Department of Vegetable Crops.University ofCalifornia.Davis,CA95616. 1988 (English).
1.2. Institute of Plant Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences, Tblisi, Georgia (ex USSR).
- “Study of the influence of AMINOL-FORTE on transcriptional activity (synthesis of Ribonucleic Acid, RNA) in the nuclei and chloroplasts of leaf cells of some leguminous crops and fodder grass; influence of AMINOL FORTE on protein, starch and sugar content in maize and wheat; on the fractional composition of proteins in grain; and on the qualitative composition of the prolaminic fraction; Effects of AMINOL FORTE on yield, organic acid and sugar content of grapes; effects of AMINOL FORTE on yield and the phisical-chemical composition of biochemical indexed of oranges and mandarins.” G.I. Kvesitadze, Director of Institute ofPlantsBiochemistryAcademy of Sciences, 1988 (Russian).
- “Study of the influence of AMINOL FORTE on endogen transcriptional activity (Synthesis of Ribonucleic acid RNA) in the nuclei and chloroplast of leaf cells of some leguminous crops; influence of AMINOL FORTE on protein, starch and sugar content in maize and wheat as in the fractional content of proteins in grain and in the qualitative composition of the prolaminic fraction; influence of (*) BIORGAN FORTE on the content of bean, soja, wheat and maize; influence of AMINOL FORTE on yield, sugar contents and organic acids of grapes; influence of AMINOL FORTE on yield and physical composition and biochemical indexed of oranges and tangerines; Influence of AMINOL FORTE on the composition polymetoxilic flavones” G.I. Kvesitadze, Director of Institute of Plants Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences. 1992 (Russian, Spanish and English).
(*) also as trade mark “AMINORGAN”
1.3. Social Security Research Center, Hospital Ramón y Cajal and National Health Institute Carlos III, Madrid.
- “Neurosecretory and Trophic Action on Fetal Rat Neuroblasts Induced by an Amino Acid Mixture”. Franco Sánchez-Franco, Lucinda Cacicedo, María J. Lorenzo, María T. de los Frailes, Gumersindo Fernández and Jose M. R. Delgado. Biochemical Medicine and Metabolic Biology 43, 10-21, 1990 (English).
- “Secretions of Somatostatin and VIP in cultures of Fetal Rat Neuroblasts increased by Amino Acids”. José M.R. Delgado, Lucinda Caciceo, María J. Lorenzo, María T. de los Frailes and Franco Sánchez-Franco. Life Sciences Vol. 46 pp 55-58. 1990 (English).
- “Peptidergic action of an Amino Mixture in the Rat”. Franco Sánchez-Franco, José M.R. Delgado, María J. Lorenzo, María T. de los Frailes, Rosa Tolón and Lucinda Cacicedo, 1991, (pending to publish). (English).
- “Effect of FACE (*) on neuropeptides secretion on Adult Rat Brain: Regulation of the Gen Expresion of Somatostatine and Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide”. Franco Sánchez-Franco, José M. R. Delgado, María J. Lorenzo, María T. de los Fraiels, Rosa Tolón and Lucinda Cacicedo. Instituto Nacional de la Salud Carlos III 1992. (pending of publishing). (Spanish).
(*) FACE: Raw material used in the manufacturing of AMINOL FORTE and other INAGROSA products.
- “Effect of FACE on the growth of some microorganisms”. A. Guitiérrez y P. Martínez. Dpto. de Bioquímica, HospitalRamón y Cajal,Madrid (Spanish).
- “Quantitative determination by chromatography and electrophoresis of individual amino acids content in FACE”. Dr. Martín del Río, Dpto. Bioquímica, Hospital Ramón y Cajal, Madrid 1988 (Spanish).
1.4. Reports about INAGROSA products Simposium University of Praha, Praha, June 1991.
- “Biotechnology applications on Agriculture: Improvement of yield and balance of the ecosystem”. Juan Pablo del Monte,MadridUniversity, Praha 1991 (Spanish).
- “Biotechnology and Markets”. Otilio Fernández, Praha 1991 (Spanish, English).